Mercury in Leo

 Hello, everyone!

I have been making my own spreads now since May, 2022. It has not been long, but I am absolutely loving it. 

Mercury in Leo

Mercury moved into Leo 7/19/22 and will stay here until 8/4/22. There are many themes in this. Where to set boundaries. How to find confidence in our communication. How to share the floor, a good ol' 3 before me rule for those of us who dominate a conversation (me. I am one of those... oops). 

Here is the spread that I created for Mercury in Leo:

Doing a spread in and of itself really is not noteworthy, and I understand that. Why am I making a long-winded post? Welllll, it won't all fit on Instagram.

What is different?

I decided to use the Moon BB Magick Tarot deck by Angela Mary Magick, which is not unusual, but I decided to pair it with The Starseed Oracle. This deck is super popular, and I have yet to connect with it. So I figured why not pair it with a favorite deck in a super safe reading? 

Y'all! The energies from almost every single oracle card (often times, the deck threw out two for one prompt) matched up with the tarot cards pulled. I was floored. Slinging oracle with tarot is not something that I am super accustomed to, and I have never had a pull like this. This is enough to change my opinion on The Starseed Oracle.

The Reading

  • Where do I need to be more confident in my communication?

    • Six of Blade (Spirit Guide) & Five of Lasers (Disenchantment) with Surrender to the Sweetness & The Great Serving:
      • My initial thoughts with the MBBM deck was conflict, but then I started to see it as communication with my guides and goddesses (because I truly am a meek little baby about this stuff, haha). After receiving these oracle cards though? It is definitely about finding confidence within conflict, being ok with expressing my true needs and desires without being controlled by the fear that love and acceptance will stop. I am truly blown away by the congruence between these decks. 

  • What boundaries is Mercury in Leo asking me to set?

    • Seven of Waves (Abundance) with Messenger & Perspective 
      • This one took me a minute to see, but going off of the abundance message, it told me a boundary in terms of what I am offering from my own time and resources for those who may land me in relationships, communications that are not reciprocal. Messenger speaks to harmony and balance. Perspective asks us to zoom out and find common ground. Being a more giving person can lead to relationships/partnerships being imbalanced. Basically, it's ok to say no or to put parameters around your time, energy, and resources. 

  • Where do I need to LISTEN rather than speak?

    • Eight of Caves (Development) with I'm Sorry
      • This pairing took me from, "Listen to learn" to "Listening to be in right relationship," (coined from Sonya Renee Taylor). We can't truly be sorry until we know how we have hurt the other person. Impact vs. intent every day. 

  • Where do I need to take charge, lead, or delegate in my life?

    • The Fool (Wild) & Temperance (Counterbalance) with Cracked Open & I Remember
      • I need to start taking the lead with what I want to do. I have always been a rule follower (when it makes sense. I did fail out of high school due to politics, and I almost didn't graduate grad school due to politics. If you're fucking around with people's autonomy and consent, we're gonna have a problem). Following societal norms doesn't always lead to happiness. It's time to crack open my true desires, go for it, but to make sure I am not on my own. Life requires balance and counterbalance to stay afloat. Find those core few who will bring counterbalance to your life and yours to theirs. Life is a team effort... despite what my anxiety and bitterness believe.

  • How can I use the power of persuasion to my (ethical) advantage under Mercury in Leo?

    • Six of Waves (Expression) & Queen of Lasers (Magnetism) with Forge, Don't Follow
      • The oracle card took this from a very generic answer for me to a very personal one. While I am a rule follower (to a point)... as in, if you say it must be done X way, I will do it X way even if I hate it, I am still an Aquarius Rising, and I have my own way of learning, presenting, and doing. This is a beautiful reminder to me that I do not need to be following all of the social media rules to gain sales, etc. I can just be myself. I can express myself, attract like-minded folks, and be authentic in my own way. I can lead with the lens of a teacher... by asking questions rather than just telling, by offering guidance that is not absolute, by using soft language rather than concrete, no-room-for-error language. I can be me.

  • How can I use story-telling (in divination) to help me heal in conjunction with Chiron in Rx?

    • Queen of Caves (Remothering) with Earth School & Earth Pulsing
      • Hooooo boy! Ground. Ground deeply. Use Nature, Gaia, The Earth Herself to help yourself heal. Use all of the knowledge you have and all of the knowledge you will be learning to rewrite, reimagine, and to give yourself closure. Tuck in your wounded child, your wounded teen, your wounded self with a bedtime story where all of the wounds are validated, and the ending is one that offers relief and comfort. Could I also write a food or picnic story using plants? Some immediate plant allies for me are: sword fern, rose, blackcap berries, lavender, lemon balm, miner's lettuce, and hakurei turnips. A few of these are very specific to me and my upbringing. When you think of the earth's medicine, what plants come to mind for you?

  • A Message from Mercury
    • Page of Waves (Ecstacy) & Four of Wands (Ritual) with Fall Into My Arms
      • This oracle card was the hardest one for me to relate to my reading. My thoughts for the tarot cards come back to devoting myself to ritualistic ecstacy, a time of celebration and joy. Then it clicked. I am asked to surrender into the celebrations of life. I resist celebrating everything that I do, everything that I accomplish because to me it's the bare minimum that I need to do for the life I want in this horrific society in which we dwell. I need to surrender to the fact that I might... may... actually??? be good enough just how I am, and that I may actually deserve a flower or two for the things I do in this life, but at the same time... eh? I will work on this harder since this message is from Hermes, and he's in my world now. I can't wait to share that story!


    If you got this far, THANK YOU! I know I am long-winded. All in all, I think I have finally connected with this deck. For me, this deck needs guidance. It is too esoteric for me otherwise, and I begin to lose all concept of reality. I will definitely be incorporating it into spreads and not just as supplemental cards. It holds up on its own for sure. I have found that if I stick with the cards and the pictures rather than leaning too heavily on the guidebook, the messages flow more naturally. I adore a good guidebook. This one makes my head spin with ancient cultures and aliens. I may be an Aquarius Rising, but aliens just aren't it for me. Give me prehistory with their caves, deep grounding, and wild snake goddesses. This is the energy for me!


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