Hey all!
I am a Scorpio. I have 3 Scorpio placements, which is quite a bit of heavy water. I am also an Aries Moon and Mars. My rising is in Aquarius and my Venus is in Libra. There's also quite a bit of fire and air in my chart. I have almost no earth. I have my Saturn in Capricorn. Despite all of this, I have always connected most deeply with the earth element. The green, the plants, the rocks, and stability and grounding. I love it.
This summer though, I have been called to work more with water, which makes sense. I am in the PNW, and there's an abundance of it. I hike almost every Sunday, and more often than not, we're hiking to waterfalls or around some form of water. I have a difficult time regulating my body temperature so I do not usually get in any water when I am hiking, and I can't even begin to fathom walking in wet feet/socks. Gross.
Water, this summer, has been necessary however. So far, I have walked in the Pacific Ocean, a freezing cold snow melt creek (seriously, the ocean was warmer), a two lakes, where two rivers meet (Clackamette), the Columbia River, and now where Crystal Springs and Johnson Creek meet to form a single body of water. Each and every time, I feel so much better. I feel whole. It turns out that I am a water baby. I just forgot.
Why Water?
Water is ground. Water is cleansing. You can learn so much from water. You can learn to contract and expand as situations command. That there is mighty strength in persistence and patience. What gives us life can take it away just as quickly.
I have been working on and off with water for years. I used to devoutly collect water from the places I hiked, but I was afraid to use it so it would just sit. Now I am not afraid. Now, I make moon water every month on the Full Moon. I use it to make my cold-brew teas. I have some water from the creek today, and I plan to use it in a foot bath.
Your feet are amazing conduits for energy. I always feel reiki in the bottoms of my feet and my third eye area first. A lot of energy gets stored in the bottoms of your feet. Cleanse them with intention. Showering is obviously good for cleaning. Take a moment the next time you shower (if you don't have the mobility or access to a water source) to get intentional about cleansing away stagnant energy from your feet.
I always feel so much brighter when my feet have been cleared of all the stagnant, anxious, depressed energy I tend to collect. Having depression and anxiety can certainly mess with your energy. There is nothing to be ashamed of though. These are actually quite common. When you cleanse your area, home, etc. consider cleansing yourself as well.
Natural water sources have been a nice way for me to connect with Artemis. She came to be last year on 8/6/21. I have connected with her the least in the last year. Then, when I was in the Clackamette, it dawned on me. Water is how I can connect with Artemis. Yes, she is an earthy goddess. She's the goddess of the hunt, of the moon, of birthing folks and children. She also heals. How does she heal? Through running water. I connected deeply with her that day. That night, she came to me in a dream. I do not remember the dream. I had it early in the night, and I still had many hours left to sleep, but I do remember the feeling of warmth and being held. I now devote not just wildness of my hikes and nature time to Artemis but also the running water. I am grateful for this deeper connection.
Inner Child Healing
I am sure you have noticed by now that I do not speak from a textbook perspective. I speak from my intuition, my experiences. Inner child healing through water may not be for you, and that's ok. That is OKAY. I promise.
For me, though? This has been a time to explore and play. When I think of my inner child, I always think of kiddo me on the rented land my dad farmed organic veggies on in the city. There, I would sit on the board we called a bridge, and pretend to be a bear and "fish." I was just pulling up plants from the creek. I would stare up at the willow on the other side of the fence longingly. I loved that tree and always wanted to climb it but couldn't.
That creek? It's the same one I went to today. It's the same one I went to in my late teens and early twenties, but it was 3 miles upstream from where I was today. I realized today that my brand of nostalgia isn't music or dances or movies or things. It's the land. I feel nostalgic for the land and water.
I took myself to Johnson Creek today because I have been feeling a lot of gross emotions. I have been crying nonstop. I have been feeling horrible pangs of anger and shame and self hatred. I knew I needed some water therapy. I brought my crystals and Alder the Pocket Bear. I played. I allowed myself to just play. I played in the water. I played with my rocks. I played with my bear.
Alder was made by my friend Sabrina. You can find her Etsy shop
here. She also has a hiking bear available and a few other creations on her
Water Uses
- Creek/Stream: purification, peace, healing
- Lake: serenity, gentleness, balance, harmony
- Ocean: cleansing, protection, strength, power, calm.
- River: cleansing, protection, progress
- Waterfalls: cleansing, power, success, manifesting
Water is potent and beautiful magic. I am still learning, but I am so glad to have reconnected. Everyone's path with deities will be different, but you may want to look into strengthening your connection with Artemis through water. Water is life. Water is sacred. Water is healing.
If you have made it this far, thank you for reading! I am going to plug a couple of water justice related web sites. Clean water is a human right. Many reservation here in The States and up in Canada do not have access to clean water. Their water is black. We must be the voices to help stop this injustice.
Where I live, even in the rich schools across the city, the lead content in the schools' water is so high that the gov't came and made them provide bottled water until the problem was fixed. My entire generation and probably even before mine lived off of that lead-poisoned water. It's bad.
Loved learning about your connection with water and how special to return to a creek that has history for you. And look at all those rocks! 😍 In Mexico we have these places called "ojo de agua" they're like a spring, your post made me think about going there with my mom to wash our clothes. Thank you for sharing.