Tarot Overload Day 11

 Happy Full Moon in Aquarius!

We are on Week 2! This week, we are taking the cards from last week with the same prompts and intentionally choosing a card that intersects the original two cards. If this sounds confusing, go to Tarot Overload Challenge by Hermit's Mirror to check out his own words. If you're curious and want to read how the earlier days went, you can find them here: 123456789, 10.


The Prompt

What lesson am I learning though this life journey?

The Pull

Ten of Wands + The Chariot (rx) = Ten of Swords

When you're feeling defeated, the only thing to do it get back up. You don't have to try again. You can go a different way, but you have to get back up.

When I lost my first job when I was 19, and I couldn't stop crying, my mom gave me a piece of advice I've been following for almost 15 years: The 24-hour rule. You can cry, scream, yell, whatever you need to help process your feelings for 24 hours. When that time is up, you must get up and do something.

I chose the 10 of Swords because, to me, this is no longer a scary card. About 5 months or so into reading tarot, I realized that this card is actually a blessing. It is this, "You have nowhere else to go but UP" card. You can stay down licking your wounds, or you can begin to pull out swords, heal, and move on. The Ten of Wands and The Chariot in reverse are heavy cards, but there is still the possibility for growth and movement in each.

The Astrology

Again, didn't even consider astrology when choosing. It literally just dawned on me, and I grabbed my deck to retrieve the card. I also had no idea what the astrological association for this card was.

The Ten of Swords has the energy of the Sun in Gemini. I'm not going to lie. I was definitely taken aback by that. I started thinking of it though, and the card does have two sides of the same coin energy. Very Gemini, don't ya think?

My Sun is not in Gemini, but my partner's is. I think his rising is Taurus which makes sense because everyone thinks he's a Taurus, haha. My Sun is in Scorpio. I'm definitely a Scorpio. Mean and scary (but crying on the inside... please be nice to me).

My Sun is in the 9th house, which is the house of spirituality. Honestly, this makes sense considering my interests, and that I am wanting to figure out how to do this full time.

I decided to look into my Jupiter in Gemini again because it is in retrograde. I am glad I did. It really sums up the 10 and how I have often felt in life: My luck does not come easy. I have to work much harder than the other white folks I know. Like, shit is rough at times, but I know, I know I can do it. I know that I am a hard worker and motivated. I know that I am a problem solver, and I am learning that I need not be an island. I can ask for help and accept it.


These astrology deep dives have been incredibly illuminating for me. Everything that feels weird or wrong, or has felt this way in the past, is just who I am. This stuff is literally written in the stars. 

I have 3 placements in Scorpio, and all 3 are in the 9th house. Spirituality is it for me. Tarot and crystals have been life changing for me. I want to connect with people and make learning accessible while still being able to provide for myself. That's why my Mighty Networks comes with a free trial, and it's only $1/mo. 

If you are interested in doing a monthly tarot and tea night with me on the First Quarter Moon, you can sign up here. I will send out collage materials for the monthly session. We can draw cards, talk spirituality, and create a collage together. Or just come to chill out and get a collage kit in the mail.

As always, thank you for reading!


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