Tarot Overload Day 12


How are we all feeling after that Full Moon? I was EXHAUSTED yesterday.

We are on Week 2! This week, we are taking the cards from last week with the same prompts and intentionally choosing a card that intersects the original two cards. If this sounds confusing, go to Tarot Overload Challenge by Hermit's Mirror to check out his own words. If you're curious and want to read how the earlier days went, you can find them here: 12345678910, 11.

Let's go!

The Prompt

What recurring wounds is at the root of this lesson?

The Pull

Page of Pentacles + Six of Pentacles = The Emperor

The wound is about not feeling confident or stable enough in my financial well-being. I am getting there, don't get me wrong, but I have been through foreclosures, no food, no water, no electricity. I have been through relying on others to feed me and clothe me because I was too poor to do anything other than pay my rent and other bills.

So... really... The Emperor should be reversed. The Emperor is the foundation, the stability that allows the Aries energy to leap with fervor, to light us on fire with passion, to motivate us to move and conquer. 

The lesson was about being able to get back up, even when it's hard. It was about having to work harder even when it feels like I am standing still compared to others. The wound is around abundance and instability. Oof.

Astrology Associations

My Aries placements are in my Moon and Mars at the 2nd house, as discussed on day 5. I didn't even consider this when choosing The Emperor, but once it clicked, it all made sense. I want nothing more in life than stability and comfort. It's very Taurus of me considering I have no Taurus energy, haha. It is also very 2nd house energy.

I feel very attached to my Aries placements as they are placements of passion, drive, and emotion. I like that I am a passionate and driven person. I even like that I am competitive sometimes (especially against myself) because it pushes me to do better, be better, learn more, and grow. Then other times, I am exhausted because it never turns off... especially not with the ADHD. Having Aries placements is a big responsibility, but I'm here for it. 

My rage is sacred. My love is sacred. My passion is sacred. 


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